The Lenape High School Football team started out their abbreviated season strong on Friday night with a win over Eastern, 38-7. With 27 senior players, the team was obviously excited about their first game, having started the season a week late because of 2 people affiliated with the program testing positive for Covid-19.
Tyler Davis started Lenape’s road to victory with a 45-yard interception return, with the extra point kicked by Dylan Shank. Lenape continued their run with Xavier Coleman scoring his first of 3 touchdowns, followed by Shank for the extra point each time. Junior Brayden Dixon caught a 39-yard pass from Brady Long, further extending Lenape’s lead. Shank, of course, followed up with the extra point and later nailed a 40-yard field goal. Eastern managed to score once late in the game, but they were no match for Lenape.
Covid-19 has altered the fall sports season, shortening it and eliminating some of the more long-distance competitions. Each member of the football team, the band, and the cheerleaders received 2 tickets to the game, so the number of spectators was kept to the current guidelines of under 500 people. All of the coaches, staff, and fans wore masks and stayed socially distant. None of the spectators seemed to mind and cheered just as loudly for Lenape as when it’s a packed stadium. Everyone in attendance, including the football families, band families, and cheer families, seemed so happy to return to a tradition that made life seem “normal” – Friday Night Lights with the #3 in the state ranked Lenape Indians!
Lenape’s next football game is at Seneca on Friday, October 16th at 7 pm.